What does artisan mean?

Noun a worker in a specialized trade, especially one that involves doing things by hand. Artisan is a word that is often overused. You'll see this word in reference to a hamburger bun from a fast food restaurant or to a piece of wall art printed and mass-produced in a big store. It has become a striking word that is used in marketing campaigns to differentiate itself from normal, everyday adjectives.

The fact is that the reason it's used so much is because something that has actually been created by an artisan is unique and of great value. And by attaching this word to an ordinary product, it is supposed to add a unique value to the ordinary. The extreme to which he took his defense of diplomatic isolation, his opposition to the creation of an adequate navy 4, his estimation of cities as sores in the body politic, his prejudices against manufacturing, his trust in farmers and his political distrust of the artisanal class, are all a reflection of this. These example sentences are automatically selected from various online news sources to reflect the current usage of the word “artisan”.

Someone who can mentally visualize the final product, pick up the raw and lifeless material, subject it to the stress of tools, and obtain the same real product that was originally just a mental image is an artisan. The fact is that the reason it's used so much is because something that's actually handmade by an artisan is unique and of great value.

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