Why buy artisan goods?

One of the most compelling reasons to buy handmade products is that they are generally more environmentally sustainable than their mass-produced counterparts. Handmade products rely less on heavy machinery and harmful chemicals. Buying from artisans helps more than just the artisan, but it also supports the economy that surrounds that artisan. Each manufacturer carefully chooses where they buy their materials like the people behind Sticky Be Socks, where they get their packaging and who they employ, and their support allows them to help keep other people in business.

The more you buy from artisans, the more artisans can give back to their communities. Often, with handmade products, you have the option to personalize your purchase. Since you often deal directly with artisans when you buy handmade products, they may be willing to modify certain aspects of the product specifically to fit your needs. Decades of craftsmen ensure that each product is getting better and better until it becomes a finely sharpened object that serves its purpose without fail.

Every time you shop at a craft store, you get more than just a trinket, rather, you get a piece of history that wouldn't be possible without all of the above. Wearing (and giving away) handmade and handmade products will ultimately make you fashionable and stand out with your 100% original and 100% handmade style. Handmade glass blowers in many countries use recycled glass bottles and turn them into beautiful new creations. Their collections are usually made in small batches or in limited editions due to the amount of time, effort and creativity they dedicate to each product; but a big advantage is that if a garment or product runs out, artisans can remanufacture it and use other prints or colors.

Artisan made also suggests that the manufacturer is valued by the company, that they treat them with respect in a safe working environment and that they are entitled to a fair wage (which, sadly, is not true for all workers in modern production systems). When you choose to buy from an artisan, you are choosing a product that has all the benefits mentioned above; you become a more informed consumer of everything involved in planning, producing and selling a product and the great work that artisans, artists and designers do. Casa Amarosa offers retail shoppers in 26 percent of independent stores a wide range of handmade and handmade products. We can prioritize their creativity and talent in the market, and ensure that they can continue their craft as respected artisans with a fair wage and in a safe working environment.

And last but not least, when you buy handmade and handmade products you are a responsible consumer. Even the latest trends in home decor go hand in hand with globally inspired themes found in cultures and countries around the world, specifically in India, Africa and Asia, where most handmade products originate. Just as artisans think very carefully about the design and use of the product, they think a lot about the materials they use and, thankfully, many choose sustainable materials. An artisan is someone who makes an item by hand and is generally an expert in their specific craft.

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